Impact the next generation


The NUS MBA Mentorship Programme is a professional development programme bringing together current NUS MBA students and alumni in an exchange of knowledge, information, insights and experience.

It helps students to share and learn from mentors and provides networking opportunities between students and the graduate communities.

The programme officially runs for six months from October to March annually. Mentors are expected, as a general guideline, to commit to a minimum of two to three meetings (e.g. face-to-face discussions, tea/lunch appointments, office visits etc.)

If you are keen to be a mentor, please write to us to find out more.

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The BIZAD Leadership Development Programme (BLDP) provides NUS Business students development opportunities to realise their full leadership potential with the guidance and coaching from BIZAlum.

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Internships have significantly transformed the traditional notion of education in the last decade or so. Today, internship is seen as a means to developing professional aptitude, strengthening personal character, and providing a greater door to opportunity. By investing in internships, both the institution and students are giving themselves the broadest spectrum of opportunity in expanding its professional and corporate pathways.

Since 2015, the NUS Business School undergraduate office has rolled out the Business Internship (BI) Modules mentored by both workplace-based and school-based supervisors. Through these Modules, the School aims to equip its undergraduate students with an invaluable opportunity to gain invaluable experience and interest in a real-world context.

With this, the BIZAlum office is seeking alumni-supervisors for our undergraduate students for the BI Modules. Amongst other requirements and involvement listed here, the alumni-supervisor will be expected to grade, advice and incorporate marks of the final report produced by the assigned undergraduate student.

Register yourself as an alumni-supervisor here!

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